My name is Sandra. Sandra Habjanič.
I was born on the day of the big snow, 2nd December, 1970.
As a not yet four year old I ran away from home. Partly as a sign of protest
and partly out of the sateless desire to discover something new. I took my
younger brother, my teddy bear and my small soft pillow with me.
My next and somewhat more legal escape was after I finished primary school
(with distinction). I packed my bags and set out into the great, wide world
with wide-open, courageous and eager eyes. I have seen: Maribor, Celje, Ljubljana,
Bologna, Pula, Belgrade, Athens, Balaton, Budapest, Egypt, Spain, The Canary
Islands, Paris, Germany, Vienna, Klagenfurt, Portugal, Sicily, Rome, Zurich,
Sargans, Liechtenstein, Canada, USA, Istanbul...
After I finished secondary school in Maribor I was strained between the
work as a tourist guide, animator, translator etc. and my studies and travelling.
But nevertheless I completed my studies of ethnology and history of arts at
the Faculty of arts in Ljubljana. As a student I received the Munda Fund scholarship
and was the protégée of The Austrian Cultural Institute and The Slovenian
Folklore Institute Urban Jarnik from Klagenfurt. At the department of ethnology
and cultural Anthropology I graduated under Prof. Doc. Janez Bogataj with
a widely extended, independent project of field and research work on the Austrian
part of Carinthia. At the department of History of Arts I graduated with a
theoretic thesis and a dissertation under Prof. Doc. Bogomil Komelj. My whole
life I am connected with arts, research, writing, organising, leading and
challenges. I perceive work as my way of life therefore I do not know any
sharp distinctions between work and fun. Money is an important value that
is positive when it is the result of some activity (work) or state. I do not
approve money to be the only or main motive for any action or deed. I support
the theory that money is not only printed paper, but that it is energy transferred
into paper, coming from this or that individual and their time. To me, wealth
is the quick and above all quality circulation and flow of energies…
After I graduated I was offered prestigious employment in domestic and foreign
museums, institutes and academies, but regardless of that I established my
own company. Far from home, high up in the Swiss mountains and overlooking
the many white snow patches, the name Erbija was born. A good deal unexpected
and somewhat at the same time of the establishment of my own company, I took
over also our family company, Svis Gaberje d.o.o..
That is how I started to lead two companies at the same time, at the age of
29. Everybody around me disagreed, incomprehended and disbelieved that a university
graduate, into research and science oriented person could manage in this cruel
and hard business world that is based on economy and marketing. However, I
managed my situation on the director’s chair even without such experiences
and theoretical background. I managed all the leading tasks of a manager when
there was no one “above” me to ask for advice or directions. I succeeded with
a lot of will, stubbornness and courage. And with my great vision, to turn
these names on paper into powerful and recognized trademarks with a useful,
beautiful, educational and pure content. To create a company that will somehow
enrich everything and everyone.
As the owner of both companies I strive to achieve a harmonic connection
with my surroundings and the consciousness raising for values such as fair
and quality done work, realistic prices, constant education, moral responsibility,
clean nature, healthy nutrition and a balanced way of life.
At my work, as well as at my everyday life, I live by the principles of
cooperation, solving conflicts with dialogues and the basic rule of no violence.
I am against all kinds of aggression, may it be verbal, psychological or physical
and may it be against inanimate nature, plants, animals or people.
All around me, I strive to create a calm, loving, nice, creative and amusing
environment, such as I feel and nourish inside myself for all my life.